
How to Use Social Proof to Increase Conversion Rates


Website optimization specialists have known about social proof since Dr. Robert Cialdini made the idea famous in the 1980s.


Today, there are a myriad of ways to put this powerful cognitive bias to use on your website to increase engagement and transactions. Our latest e-book takes a deep dive.

What you’ll get

  • A framework for implementing social proof
  • Use case from NYX Professional Makeup on how to use social proof messaging to increase e-commerce transactions
  • What a ‘digital nudge’ is and how to use them
  • How to fit common cognitive biases into your conversion optimization strategy
Especially when they are uncertain, people will look to the actions and behaviors of others to determine their own.
– Robert Cialdini

Craft experiences
that wow!

Get your copy of "How to Use Social Proof to Increase Conversion Rates" now.

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