AB Tasty Vs Kameleoon

Alternative to Kameleoon.

  • AB Tasty is the most comprehensive platform in the market, complete with EmotionsAI and advanced Recommendations & Merchandising – giving its customers room to mature. Each solution was built separately because we know different teams (Marketing, PM, Tech, Merch…) have different ways of working. The solutions are integrated where it counts (interface, data and segments), ensuring teams still get the workflows they need—without the clutter of unnecessary extras.
  • Kameleoon built their solutions directly into a platform originally made for marketers. They’re focused on Web and Feature Experimentation with limited Recommendations features and no EmotionsAI.
  • AB Tasty loads up to 4X faster than leading experience optimization solutions. Our top performance is due to proprietary smart caching technology, a dedicated Performance Centre for monitoring and control, SPA compatibility without custom code, and our server-side solution, AB Tasty Feature Experimentation.
  • Kameleoon is 2 times slower than AB Tasty according to Thirdpartyweb.today. They prioritize an “Anti-flicker” script that hides the body’s content while the tag loads, which may ultimately delay the rendering of the site and affect the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) core vital and the First Contentful Paint (LCP). They do not provide a Performance Center or the same caching technology.
Widget configuration
  • All of AB Tasty’s visual elements, including our wide range of widgets, can be easily designed and modified directly within AB Tasty’s Visual Editor, giving you an overview of your edits directly in one streamlined view and workflow.
  • With Kameloon, widgets are modified within a separate menu option (Widget Studio), leading to more time spent on back and forth in the design process.
New experiment and workflow
  • AB Tasty doesn’t just hand you the basics—we give you more. More campaign options, more workflows, and more ways to easily create full-funnel digital experiences. With multi-page testing and personalization, you can tweak and test across your entire site effortlessly, and our patches let you launch ideas without camping out in your dev team’s inbox.
  • Kameleoon’s UI provides basic testing options (A/B and Multivariate) and simple personalization, having you work in siloed single pages. See how they manage multi-page testing here.
  • AB Tasty’s GenAI powered co-pilot allows you to make any changes in the Visual Editor with a single prompt. From changing element order, to creating a button and animating elements – the co-pilot generates the code directly for you so you don’t need technical knowledge – leaving the creativity to you and the technical tasks to AI.
  • Kameleoon’s ‘AI Experiments’ provides you with text alternatives.
AB Tasty’s GenAI
  • AB Tasty’s support is all about real humans giving you real advice for your business. With follow the sun support, offices world wide, and a much larger global presence – you know you’re in expert care with AB Tasty. Your in-app support comes directly from humans and your plan includes unlimited CSM support.
  • Kameleoon provides you with an in-app AI Assist chatbot for support.
Leader ab testing solution on G2 crowd - G2 grid

The best way to compare is to hear from your peers.

  • AB Tasty is among the Leaders with high Market Presence and Satisfaction. See here what +200 brands from around the globe have to say about AB Tasty.
  • Kameleoon is a Contender with average Market Presence and Satisfaction. See here what +50 brands have to say about Kameleoon.

G2 grid for E-commerce personalization and A/B testing (August 2024).

A complete solution to optimize your conversions

Premium and local customer support, code editor, customization with AI, and much more. You won’t find this level of excellence anywhere else.

The biggest brands get results with AB Tasty

Shiseido develops its customer experience strategy with AB Tasty

Decathlon stands out with social proof

Clarins uses AB Tasty to personalise and build customer loyalty

Unlimited optimisation with AB Tasty

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