AB Tasty vs. Optimizely

Better Testing, Better Support:
AB Tasty vs. Optimizely

Discover why customers choose AB Tasty over Optimizely. Find out how AB Tasty helps accelerate digital growth with a complete testing and personalization platform, and dependable support for all users.

  • AB Tasty offers a more user-friendly interface, an advanced widget library, and a flexible Visual Editor, making it easier for marketers to create and manage campaigns without heavy technical expertise.
  • Optimizely requires more technical resources and has a steeper learning curve. Users may get lost in its complexity, paying for features they don’t end up leveraging.
  • AB Tasty prioritizes web performance with features like modular architecture, smart caching, and a dedicated Performance Center to monitor and optimize campaigns.
  • Optimizely has been reported to struggle with SPA (Single Page Application) compatibility and dynamic content use cases in practice.
  • AB Tasty provides dedicated Customer Success Managers (CSMs) to troubleshoot issues effectively and provide strategic feedback.
  • Many customers switching from Optimizely cite dissatisfaction with its support quality and lack of proactive assistance.
  • AB Tasty can access dataLayer variables to build powerful custom segments on audiences and product attributes. AI-based segments (like EmotionsAI) are available for advanced personalization and experimentation campaigns.
  • Optimizely has no native dataLayer integration, so it’s more difficult to create audiences and goals from the dataLayer. There are also no AI segments available.
  • AB Tasty frequently introduces new features and updates based on customer feedback, ensuring cutting-edge solutions for experimentation and personalization.
  • Optimizely’s focus on being a comprehensive suite (including CMS and CDP) can dilute its specialization in experimentation.

Want to see AB Tasty in action?

The best way to compare is to hear from your peers.

  • AB Tasty is among the Leaders with high Market Presence and Satisfaction. See here what +200 brands from around the globe have to say about AB Tasty.
  • Optimizely is a contender with good Market Presence, but average Satisfaction.

How GANNI used AB Tasty to boost average order value by 12%!

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