Case Studies

Whitepages Boosts Subscriptions with AB Tasty’s Feature Experimentation

+23% Conversion Rate Increase

The Whitepages’ company mission is to build trusted connections in today’s digital world. Since 1997, Whitepages has excelled at meeting customers’ needs by providing information designed to help them stay connected, protected, and make informed decisions.


The Whitepages’ marketing team set a goal to increase conversion rate and boost memberships for their monthly plan by improving the structure of the pricing page and make it easier for customers to compare the different plans.


The layout of the price subscription page was changed so that all three plans were more prominently displayed next to each other in the form of expanded vertical menus to clearly showcase what’s included in each plan. 

Dynamic toggles were also placed at the top so users could compare monthly and annual pricing plans while the bottom of the page featured a larger payment tab under the plans instead of next to them.


With the new layout, the team was able to present a simpler and easier navigation for Whitepages customers to seamlessly compare different plans with just the right amount of information they need to make a decision.

As a result, after one week, the team saw a 23% increase in conversion rate and a 31% increase in monthly membership plans.


Feature experimentation has given the Whitepages team the ability to quickly make adjustments while running a test, target a specific audience, and turn on or off a test or device type. This has given the marketing team greater flexibility and autonomy without relying on engineering sources which resulted in faster workflows.

The test involved more complex and dynamic elements (such as the inclusion of the contact’s record of the current plan to which the user is subscribed). This required each of these elements to interact with the entire IT system, which was only possible through server-side testing. The team plans to continue using server-side experimentation to test pricing pages to drive more conversions for the plan upgrades for current members and new users.

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