Case Studies

Wonderbox optimizes customer journey with AB Tasty

+9% Conversion Rate

+2% Average Basket

How Wonderbox Made Online Shopping Effortless with AB Tasty

Wonderbox is all about creating unforgettable gift experiences. Facing challenges like optimizing promotions and simplifying the buying process, Wonderbox turned to AB Tasty for a smarter approach to give their digital journey a little extra magic.

To enhance their promotions, Wonderbox introduced targeted pop-ups powered by AB Tasty’s AI-powered algorithms. Instead of offering discounts to everyone, these personalized pop-ups focus on undecided visitors who might otherwise leave empty-handed, offering them a 10% discount right when it’s most impactful.

But that’s not all— Wonderbox also tackled the complexity of their gift box selection process. With AB Tasty’s session recovery solution, returning visitors can effortlessly pick up where they left off, whether on a product page, category page, or even mid-checkout.

With AB Tasty, Wonderbox ensures every visitor enjoys a smoother, more personalized experience. Want to know exactly how they achieved it? Download their story now and get inspired for your own optimization journey!

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