
19min read

Examples of the Best Landing Page Designs in 2019

If you run a website, then you know how difficult it can be to convince a visitor to stay on your page and even more to convince them to buy! Your landing page’s design plays an important role.

How to choose your landing page’s design?

Designed to convert your visitors into leads or customers, landing pages focus visitors’ attention on your value proposition in order to get them to perform an action that you have previously determined: purchasing a product, filling out a form or participating in a free trial.

But with all the offers available and all the competitors that exist on the market, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. For this, you must create a striking, persuasive landing page adapted specifically to your business.

Because we know it can be difficult to find inspiration before sitting down to design your future landing page, we have selected for you ten modern and efficient landing pages that convert in 2018.

If you have questions about landing pages and would like to learn more before you get started, check out our articles on landing pages with best practices and concrete examples.

These examples are taken from real sites; see for yourself! Of course, none of these landing pages is perfect: perfection does not exist, and it is up to you to adapt your design to your customers’ requirements. We also recommend you A/B test your landing pages.

10 examples of the best landing page design


LeadQuizzes is a company specialized in selling “quizzes” designed to capture “leads”. We immediately notice the (very well designed) explanatory video of the service that answers basic questions such as:

  • What is it for?
  • Is it relevant to me?
  • What does it offer me?

Secondly, the orange call-to-action stands out from the rest of the page and very clearly invites you to click: “Try it Free” reassures us that we will not pay immediately and that there is a free trial. Find out more about the optimization of calls to action.

The social proof is obvious and well developed: the references are well-known market players, and the text indicates that more than 3 million leads have been generated via LeadQuizzes: it makes you want it!

Design Landing Page Lead Quizzes

Design Landing Page Social Proof

The rest of the landing page does not disappoint either: it is built around educating the visitor of the product’s usefulness. The goal: use a (big) page to convince visitors that LeadQuizzes’s service is powerful and used by the big players in digital technologies.

Design Landing Page Lead Quizzes Social Proof

Social proof is strongly highlighted on the LeadQuizzes landing page. It answers concrete and tangible questions that concern potential buyers:

  • How many more sales will I make?
  • How many new prospects can I capture?


GrowthHackers is a company that markets software to increase marketing teams’ productivity and coordinates business development actions and new ideas from innovative teams.

Similar to LeadQuizzes, the orange call-to-action stands out nicely from the rest of the page’s colors and invites action. We are also invited to a “free trial” to reassure a large number of visitors who would not be willing to pay until they have been convinced of the service’s usefulness.

Landing Page Design Growth Hackers

The landing page continues with navigation in the form of a drop-down menu that answers the main questions asked by potential GrowthHackers Project users.

  • “Why should I use the service? “
  • “Why do managers love the software? “
  • “Who is this service for? “

We also notice that a “chat” bubble is there to ask questions: a useful feature when we are undecided or have questions.

Landing Page Design Growth Hackers

As for social proof, it is highlighted in two ways:

  • We see that a “community” exists around the service.
  • We see that many people use the service and are active in the community.

One could criticize, however, that the numbers may not be visible enough.

Landing Page Design Growth Hackers


ElegantThemes is a company specializing in selling WordPress templates or “themes” and also markets a “builder” called Divi, which allows users to create pages in WordPress visually. On this topic, see our examples of landing page templates for WordPress.

We immediately see the social proof: it is the first element put forward that reassures the visitor about the service’s popularity: more than 400,000 users according to the site.

Landing Page Design Elegant Themes

We then notice that the value proposition is twofold and that two separate call-to-actions were created for the occasion: one to discover the ready-made templates and another to discover the brand’s plugins.

Another interesting element: on the lower right side a conversation bubble appears, ready to answer questions that a visitor might ask.

The chat module is especially interesting since it also allows the user to send attachments, emojis, and GIFs which can only enhance the richness of the interaction.

Design Landing Page Divi Builder

While browsing the landing page, visitors are offered the opportunity to try a “live” demonstration of the Divi Builder. This is a significant and compelling value proposition as users can discover the product directly without paying or even registering.

Example Landing Page Design

Further down on the landing page, the social proof is reiterated, and the paragraph contains an element intended to reassure potential buyers: a 30-day refund.

Additionally, the red-pink call-to-action contrasts with the blue background of the page, reinforcing our curiosity: we are visually attracted to the button placed in the center of the page.


Shopify is a CMS that allows you to quickly and easily create e-commerce sites without programming knowledge. They stand out with their numerous resources available to users (guides, videos, podcasts, forums) as well as additional services that complement their core business: a store of ready-to-use “themes”, a library of free photos, etc.

Design Landing Page Shopify Hero Image

On the landing page, the value proposition is immediately put forward: “the e-commerce platform made for you”. The idea is therefore to address a large, often independent audience as evidenced by the photo illustration.

The special feature of this landing page is that the call-to-action contains a field for an e-mail address. This field is required to access the 14-day free trial offered just below that specifies that no credit card is required for the test: it is a major argument.

Design Landing Page Shopify Value Proposition

Design Landing Page Shopify Value Proposition

The rest of the landing page focuses on the features of the Shopify service.

With unique illustrations and short paragraphs, the company presents Shopify’s features and benefits to convince visitors to take advantage of the free trial or purchase a monthly subscription.

A major argument in the CMS sector, the widespread use of the service is highlighted with two elements:

  • The graphical representation of the number of users and the income generated
  • Testimonials from real customers whose sites are online.

Design Landing Page Shopify Social Proof

The idea is to create a feeling of mimicry in the minds of visitors: “If 1,000,000 people use Shopify to create real shops without programming, so can I”.


Salesforce needs no introduction. The king of “CRM” (Customer Relationship Management), the American company has several particularly well-developed landing pages that are worth a look.

Design Landing Page Salesforce

The first thing that jumps out is the illustrations and colors. An overview of solutions on Computer-Tablet-Mobile is presented on a background that inspires calm and serenity.

We also note that two calls to action are present on the upper left part above the fold: one for a demonstration and a second for a free trial.

Salesforce also offers a solution for large companies whose call to action is placed to the right of the free trial: great for capturing potential leads from large companies.

Subscription Form Design Landing Page Salesforce

When a visitor clicks on a call-to-action, they go from the home page to a landing page created specifically to convince as many people as possible to sign up for the free trial.

Among the elements that stand out, we can see:

  • The reminder of value proposition, “30-day free trial”
  • A telephone support hotline
  • The statement “no download, no software” in capital letters
  • Social proof by including logos of well-known references
  • Easy sign-up with Google+, Facebook, and LinkedIn

Neil Patel

Neil Patel is a digital marketing consultant with a big reputation in the United States and around the world. His site receives several million hits a month thanks to an accessible content strategy and a variety resources created for visitors: blog articles, YouTube videos, practical guides, etc.

Neil Patel Design Landing Page

What strikes us first on Neil Patel’s site is its uninhibited and straightforward approach to the issue.

The color theme is extremely simple and plays on the contrast between the orange background and the white text. The idea: ask visitors a direct, simple and short question to build engagement to a maximum.

We also notice that the landing page offers a field (above the fold) designed to perform a live analysis of your site: it is a show of force that leads the visitor to discover by him or herself what could be improved on their own site.

Design Landing Page Benefits Neil Patel

The particularity of Neil Patel’s site is that almost all pages are designed as landing pages each with one goal: to convert a maximum number of visitors.

The “Services” page, for example, (shown above) shows a long set of text that acts as a proof of authority for visitors. It explains what Neil can do for you, but also what he has done (see below) and the clients he has worked for.

Design Landing Page Proof Neil Patel

The approach is always very direct and focused on results and benefits.

Neil’s idea is to prove by A + B that he has the skills to help you improve your SEO.

Neil Patel Call to Action Design Landing Page

On the same “Services” page, the call to action comes at the end (and one can wonder, is it a good idea?). It is structured in several stages that invite visitors to enter their information in order to be contacted later.


UpWork is a world-renowned freelance platform. It allows companies to find skilled labor quickly for various assignments and allows the self-employed to register on the platform to offer their services.

Design Landing Page Upwork

On the homepage, we can see from the outset that the graphical design is clear and that it is the “professional” aspect that is highlighted. Interestingly, the chosen tagline is not for freelancers but for companies.

The tone is direct, effective, and clear; we immediately understand the value proposition: to subcontract work efficiently.

The call to action is placed on the left side above the fold. Its green color sets it apart from the rest of the landing page and consists of a search bar used to indicate the type of work that visitors want to outsource. If we pay attention to details, we can see that the background is actually a customer testimonial and we can watch the story: it has a lot of impact!

Design Landing Page Upwork

The rest of the landing page is classic: it details the various services offered by freelancers and shows the paid offers for users.


CodeCombat is an interesting example. It is an educational game that allows children (and adults) to learn to program using a video game. The concept is simple: you program to progress in the game.

Code Combat Landing Page

The first interesting point of CodeCombat’s landing page is that the audience is twofold: it targets both teachers (who wish to use it in class) and children (who discover it by themselves or through by word of mouth).

The landing page’s focus is therefore on teaching and the program’s ease of use. Thus, we can see two calls to action: one for teachers and one for children/players.

Design Landing Page Code Combat

The rest of the landing page presents the benefits of using CodeCombat as well as screenshots to make the service “tangible”.

Testimonial Design Landing Page Code Combat

In a fairly traditional way, the rest reiterates the service’s strengths and includes a customer testimonial adapted to the target: that of a school principal.


Plated is a company specializing in delivering recipe ingredients: you select inspirations for recipes, and the company delivers all the ingredients needed to make the dish.

Plated Landing Page

The first thing that strikes us about the Plated landing page is the graphic design; the colors are studied, and the company has a real visual identity. The photos of dishes stand out well, and the illustrations are well chosen.

Words are chosen carefully and are well suited to a target of “food lovers”: we would get hungry just looking at the site!

The call-to-action is clear, well placed above the fold; its green color clearly distinguishes it from the rest of the page.

Call to Action Landing Page Plated

The Plated landing page is long: you have to scroll for a long time to reach the end. However, each paragraph of the home page is thought of as an argument or a benefit in order to convince:

  • Save time
  • Large range of choice
  • No more shopping
  • Quality products
  • Save money

Design Landing Page Plated

We can also see a particularly attractive instant discount coupon in the header and whose color stands out.

By offering 50% off the first order, Plated encourages the undecided to take action by decreasing the financial commitment.

Social proof is highlighted at the end of the landing page. Although it could have been placed higher, it remains visible and relevant.

Live Chat Landing Page Plated

Plated offers chat support, something we find more and more on landing pages.

By offering this service, the idea is to make up for the lack of human interactions that one would find in stores and to provide help to undecided visitors.

Plated’s strengths are highlighted successfully using simple, soothing images that convey simplicity and serenity to show that Plated makes your life easier.


MailChimp is an extremely popular automated marketing and emailing company. Their services are used by many to create e-mail, marketing and newsletter campaigns for e-commerce sites.

Design Landing Page Mailchimp

As direct as Neil Patel, this landing page is extremely clear and straightforward: it addresses visitors in a frank manner while remaining vague: “Build your brand, Sell more stuff.”.

This allows MailChimp to address visitors globally by avoiding excluding too many users from the outset.

The value proposition is as simple as possible: build your brand, sell more.

This straightforward and uninhibited approach is prevalent in Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions: the goal is to speak directly to business leaders of all sizes and get straight to the point.

Note that the call to action is very visible: it is located in the central position above the fold and offers a free trial (another one?!).

Call to Action Landing Page Mailchimp

As on Plated, the rest of the landing page details the benefits of using the service. This allows visitors to quickly “visualize” the service’s added value and get a clear idea of the following question: “Is this service for me?”.

By building a long landing page, you allow your visitors to “scroll” as much as they want: this allows them to answer as many questions as possible while acting as a commercial brochure to highlight your added value.

Design Landing Page Mailchimp

By using screenshots, MailChimp allows visitors to project themselves more easily. The idea is to help visitors better understand the service by viewing a sample. This technique can be adapted to video or even in the form of a live demonstration as ElegantThemes does.

We note that the free trial’s call-to-action is always accessible, wherever you are on the page, here at the top right.

Register Form Mailchimp

Once in the conversion funnel, visitors land on the form page needed to activate the free trial. In order to maximize conversions, the MailChimp registration form is intentionally:

  • Short
  • Clear
  • Specific

By limiting the number of fields to three, MailChimp allows hesitant visitors to take the plunge more easily. The commitment requested is kept to a minimum: an e-mail, a username, and a password.

If it were to be improved, we could consider adding quick signup via Facebook or Google that would encourage even more conversions.

Did you like this article? If you are inspired and want to take the plunge, read our article dedicated to Bootstrap landing page templates. It’s the perfect asset for a successful landing page.

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6min read

How to Avoid Flickering in A/B Tests

Flickering, also called FOOC (Flash of Original Content) is when an original page is briefly displayed before the alternative appears during an A/B test. This happens due to the time it takes for the browser to process modifications. There is no miracle fix to this problem, and those claiming to be quick fixes have limited effectiveness. The good news is that there are several best practices to accelerate the application of your modifications, effectively masking the flickering effect.

Update: to get rid of flickering, you can switch from Client-Side testing to Server-Side testing. The latter doesn’t involve any kind of Javascript to apply modifications on your pages and completely removes the FOOC. Read more about this feature now available within AB Tasty.

What is flickering, exactly?

Although you may have never heard of flickering, you have undoubtedly experienced it without even knowing: a test page loads and, after a few milliseconds, your modifications show up. In the blink of an eye, you’ve seen two versions of your page—the old and the new. The result is poor user experience, not to mention that your users now know your test is just that: a test.

Flickering is caused by the basic client-side operation of A/B testing solutions that apply a JavaScript overlayer during page loading to ensure elements are modified. In most cases, you will not notice it at all, but if your site takes a while to load or relies on intensive external resources, your modifications can take time to be applied, giving way to a previously unnoticeable flickering.

Is there a miracle cure for flickering?

Some providers claim to use innovative techniques that get rid of flickering. Beware, however, that although the techniques they use are commonplace and available to anyone, they present a certain number of technical limits. By analyzing market leaders’ documentation, it is also clear that such “miracle” methods are only implemented as a last resort, when no other options have worked for a lasting period of time. This is because flickering can be different for each site and depends a great deal on initial performance.

So how does the method work? For starters, displayed content is temporarily masked using CSS properties such as visibility: hidden or display: none for the body element. This property masks page content as quickly as possible (since the solution’s tag is located in the page’s <head> element), before redisplaying it again once the modifications have had enough time to be applied. This effectively eliminates the “before/after” flicker effect, but replaces it with a “blank page/after” effect.

The risk of using such a method is that if the page encounters any loading problems or there are implementation problems, users might end up with a blank page for a few seconds, or they could even be stuck with a blank screen with nowhere to click. Another drawback of this solution is that it gives off the impression that site performance is slow. That’s why it is important to ensure that rendering is not delayed for more than a few milliseconds at most—just enough for the modifications to be applied. And of course, for valid results, you’ll need to apply this delayed rendering to a control group to prevent bias in your analysis of behaviors linked to the various rendering speeds.

So there you have it. If your modifications take time to apply, you won’t want a blank page to greet your users. When it comes down to it, you should always adhere to the best practices listed below. Among other things, they aim to ensure modifications are applied at an accelerated rate.

That’s why we here at AB Tasty don’t recommend the above method for most of our users and why we don’t suggest it by default. Nonetheless, it is easy to implement with just a few lines of JavaScript.

How can flickering be limited?

If you don’t want to use the aforementioned method, what are your options? Here are some best practices you can use to reduce flickering and maybe even eliminate it:

  • Optimize your site’s loading time by all means possible: page caching, compression, image optimization, CDNs, parallel query processing with the HTTP/2 protocol, etc.
  • Place the A/B testing solution tag as high as possible in the source code, inside the <head> element and before intensive external resources (e.g. web fonts, JavaScript libraries, etc.) are called.
  • Use the synchronous version of the AB Tasty script, since the asynchronous version increases flickering odds
  • Don’t use a tag manager to call your solution’s tags (e.g. Google Tag Manager). This might not be as convenient, but you’ll have an easier handle on your tag’s firing priority.
  • Do not insert a jQuery library in the tag if your site provider already uses one. Most client-side A/B testing solutions use jQuery. AB Tasty nonetheless makes it so you don’t have to integrate the infamous JavaScript framework if you already use it elsewhere, so you can cross a few kb off your transfer list.
  • Reduce the size of your solution’s script by removing inactive tests. Some solutions include the entirety of your tests in their script, whether they are suspended or in draft mode. AB Tasty includes only active tests by default. If, however, you have a high number of ongoing customizations, it might be appropriate to make them permanently operational and deactivate them on AB Tasty.
  • Pay attention to the nature of modifications. Adding several hundred lines of code to obtain your modification will cause more flickering than a minor change to CSS styles or wording.
  • Rely as much as possible on style sheets. It is usually possible to obtain the desired visual effect using style sheets. For example, you can simply implement a JavaScript instruction that adds a CSS class to an element, letting the class modify its aspect, rather than writing lines of script to manipulate its style.
  • Optimize your modified code. When fiddling around with the WYSIWYG editor to try and implement your changes, you may add several unnecessary JavaScript instructions. Quickly analyze the generated code in the “Edit Code” tab and optimize it by rearranging it or removing needless parts.
  • Ensure that your chosen solution uses one (or many) CDNs so the script containing your modifications can be loaded as quickly as possible, wherever your user is located.
  • For advanced users: Add jQuery selectors to the cache as objects so they don’t need to be reorganized in the DOM multiple times. You can also make modifications in JavaScript rather than in jQuery, particularly when dealing with elements by class or ID.
  • Use redirect tests where possible and if useful after an evaluation of the relation between the modification’s nature and the time required to put the test into place.

If you still see flickering after performing these optimizations, you may want to use the content-masking technique detailed above. If you’re not comfortable doing this alone, contact our support team.