
10min read

Types of E-commerce Product Recommendation Systems

Most online shops implement e-commerce product recommendation systems. But if you take a look at how these recommendations are displayed, you’ll start to notice some big differences. Depending on how the recommendation system works, different variables impact which products are prioritized for personalization.

Since recommendations depend on personalization and user data, it’s possible to choose how to suggest items. In the following article, you’ll learn about various recommendation systems and how to choose the right one for your shop.

Relevant recommendations through personalization

Product recommendations are most impactful when they are relevant to the customer. It is possible to achieve maximum results by ensuring that the recommendations are personalized and account for the individual preferences of customers.

With this, it should be noted that the most effective type of personalization depends on the e-commerce product recommendation system and strategy used.

Personalization requires dialog

Personalization is very complex. It can be used at various touchpoints and implemented using different systems. It means presenting online visitors with product recommendations that are as close as possible to their preferences.

To do this, you first need data on the user’s click and purchase behavior. This can be collected through a dialog with the customer, which is established via their engagement with the online shop. Once data is collected, it can be combined with product data and expert knowledge in a knowledge base.

In this knowledge base, all data is processed and evaluated. One approach is to use artificial intelligence (AI). This allows data (click and purchase behavior) to be processed into information by experts via data mining. The information is then turned into knowledge using algorithms (reinforcement learning).

This knowledge is ultimately used to provide customers with relevant recommendations. Product data, click and purchase behavior, and expert knowledge all converge in the knowledge base.

Dialog-based AI

To provide customers with the best results, an algorithm must first determine what the customer needs. The term dialog-based AI is used for such processes.

A so-called response engine, which uses sensors to record and analyze click and purchase behavior, plays a crucial role here. This takes on the task of identifying a customer’s goals and interests from their engagement with the online store.

Various possibilities for dialog

There are many ways to track customer engagement with an online shop. These are distinguished in the form of:

  • Reactions

When a customer browses an online store, numerous reactions can occur. Based on user engagement with the content (clicks, product selection, purchases, etc.), you can find out what they want. Once you have this information, you can present customized content to customers.

  • Language

We naturally think of language when we hear the word “dialog.” That said, a dialog between humans and machines based on language has pitfalls. Many people who use voice-activated assistants understand this.

When discussing online stores, human-to-machine dialog occurs through search terms. This allows language to be used for a personalized search engine. Therefore, a product search can be understood as a personalized search system triggered by linguistic input.

With this, the following question arises. How can e-commerce operators use customer-driven engagement and dialog to provide suitable recommendations? There are various systems for achieving this, which are discussed in more detail in the following sections.

Classic recommendation systems (static)

There is a clear distinction between different e-commerce recommendation systems. They are primarily distinguished by the data and methods used to determine relevant suggestions to customers.

With this, there are two classic variants: collaborative and content-based systems. In addition, recommendation systems can incorporate other elements, including demographic data and time spent shopping. We’ll look into two “classic” recommendation systems below.

Collaborative recommendation systems

When online shop customers share click and purchase behavior, a collaborative recommendation system can be used. This analyzes data from different customers and finds similarities to suggest relevant products for a consumer group.

Recommendations generated by this system can follow a headline like “customers who were interested in this product found these relevant.” This is because the system will recommend items to multiple customers with similar patterns. On a related note, algorithms that deliver product lists with this approach are known as collaborative filtering systems.

Collaborative recommendation systems are used by major retailers like Amazon, among others. It is the method of choice when little or no personalization information is available for a customer. It’s also good when the product catalog contains minimal characteristics.

  • Advantages of collaborative systems

In e-commerce, the advantage of collaborative product recommendation systems is they can reveal relationships between users and items that aren’t explicitly apparent. Additionally. collaborative filtering can show customers products that differ from previous preferences, but may still be of interest. This means you can surprise your customers.

  • Disadvantage of collaborative systems

However, there is a disadvantage. It is referred to as the “cold start problem,” and occurs primarily with new users and products. With this type of e-commerce product recommendation system, it is necessary that there is a large number of customers with similar behaviors. If there is minimal customer engagement, it can be difficult to generate recommendations.

Content-based recommendation systems

Unlike the above type, content-based recommendation systems do not work on the basis of users with similar engagement patterns. Instead, product attribute commonalities are used as a basis. In addition, individual customer engagement plays a role.

Content-based recommendation systems suggest items that are relevant to products a customer expressed interest in purchasing. To calculate recommendations of this kind, content analysis is required to determine product similarities.

When providing such recommendations, you can preface them with something like “similar products from your favorite brand.”

  • Advantages of content-based systems

Content-based recommendation systems have both advantages and disadvantages. One major advantage is that content-based recommendation systems can suggest items even if there are no clicks or purchases on the site. This counteracts the “cold start problem” of collaborative recommendation systems.

  • Disadvantages of content-based systems

A disadvantage of a content-based e-commerce product recommendation system is that it can be overly specialized. There’s no element of surprise regarding product recommendations. They are only based on the preferences of the individual customer.

If we look back at the example of “similar products from your favorite brand,” we can see another problem with content-based recommendation systems. The customer may wish to see products that have their favorite color, for example.

This makes it clear how important it is to understand preferences. In other words, a customer should be presented with a wide range of recommendation factors. It’s the best way to determine which, of the similar products, the customer actually wants.

Context-aware recommendation systems (dynamic)

Personalization goes beyond the matter of providing customers with desired content. Users increasingly expect content to be presented in the “right” context, one that’s familiar. This presents a challenge for personalization services.

To present customers with relevant recommendations in a context that’s suitable for them, dynamic information is required. This is in addition to static information (such as product similarities). Context-aware recommendation systems process this information.

Within this system, the context is another input for the recommendation system. It conveys what the customer is doing and where recommendations are displayed. The dynamic context-aware information and its interrelationships significantly improve recommendation quality.

Multiple recommendation contexts

When discussing e-commerce, multiple recommendation contexts refer to suggestions beyond products. This typically occurs in a personalized section of the website dedicated to the customer. It’s useful for keeping consumers engaged beyond their purchase(s).

It is possible to show a variety of recommendations in multiple contexts that are tailored to the customer’s preferences. This includes interactive elements and offers a mix of inspiration from similar products to content and entertainment.

If successful, this encourages customers to return to the online shop on their own, increasing consumer loyalty and website engagement. By discovering related content to their favorite brands, styles, etc, users may purchase more items.

This entertainment-driven approach is based on data already collected from the customer’s previous interactions with the website. The overall experience matches what consumers already know, creating a familiar environment for discovery.

Individual recommendation contexts

If your shop can’t host the content necessary for a multiple recommendation environment, you should ask what your customers specifically need. This will help you deliver the best individualized recommendations possible.

To illustrate how crucial it is to develop a suitable recommendation environment, let’s look at the following scenarios.

  • Product detail page

An online shop visitor is looking at a product (for example, a pot) on a product detail page. The customer is currently researching information and wants to buy a pot. To best lead the customer in the right direction, you can display similar products or products customers have also purchased. This can be shown below the product information in a recommendation widget.

Screenshot from fackelmann's product detail page that displayed recommendations.
  • Shopping cart layer

In this situation, a shop customer puts a product (for example, a bicycle) in the shopping cart and a pop-up appears with similar products. Here, the customer is one step away from completing the purchase.

They are about to buy a bicycle and have already added it to their shopping cart. When this happens, you should not display similar products under any circumstances. This will confuse the customer and delay the purchasing process.

To avoid them changing their mind at this stage, you should instead present complementary items like a helmet or bicycle lock. This is known as cross-selling and inspires customers to increase the value of their cart.

Compromises for individual recommendations

If only one or two recommendation methods can be presented on a product detail page, you have to select the best one. An example would be “similar products that you may also like.” It is important to take the term “similar” literally.

“Similar” here means products with the same characteristics as the product viewed are understood. This relates to a customer’s personal preferences. If done correctly, it will increase the quality of recommendations and drive sales.

For example: if a customer shows a particular interest in black items, other black items are considered to be very similar. Without this information about customer behavior, the product color would not help inform recommendations.

Hybrid recommendation systems

It may be necessary to mix or modulate recommendation systems. By combining content-based and collaborative recommendation systems, disadvantages can be minimized. This means that high-quality and relevant recommendations can be generated more quickly for online shop customers. If this occurs, this is called a hybrid recommendation system and ensures better results.

That said, truly relevant recommendations cannot be generated with a universal algorithm. They require the dynamic interconnection of a series of intelligent basic algorithms. The prerequisite for this is a modular software system that supports these basic algorithms in a compatible manner. It also requires experts to be able to configure such dynamic architectures with the right parameters.

Selecting the right recommendation system

We’ve covered a wide range of e-commerce product recommendation systems, alongside various methods and data uses. The final question remains. Which one is “right” for generating suitable recommendations?

Understanding your customer’s needs

The above question cannot be answered easily in general terms. The right recommendation system for your e-commerce platform depends on various factors. Recent developments in e-commerce reveal that previously static structures are becoming more dynamic.

In addition, the shopping environment is becoming increasingly important. With this, it goes without saying that it’s necessary to have a wide product and content selection available. The right recommendation strategy depends on the phase of the customer journey and product context. It’s best to explore a mixture of different systems for an optimal experience.

Expert knowledge as a prerequisite

To dynamically provide personalized recommendations in the right context, your website needs the right software architecture. It needs to dynamically combine a wide range of algorithms. With this, an understanding of the shopping environment context is necessary.

Configuring these architectures requires expert knowledge. This is because only trained individuals can identify the requirements of individual touchpoints for selecting the right recommendation system.

They will best know how to choose the best personalization type for the context. By using an expert, you’ll ensure individual recommendations are generated properly for customers.

Targeted combination of different recommendation systems

As you can see in this article, there are various recommendation systems. They each have their own advantages and disadvantages. The development of e-commerce shows that dynamic structures are becoming more important. Shop customers expect product recommendations in a familiar environment.

To meet such demands, different recommendation system processes can be combined with each other. It’s possible to facilitate this in a targeted manner, based on contextual information.

Since these hybrid systems are very complex, expert knowledge is crucial for success. This is because dynamic architectures need to be designed and personalized to generate relevant product recommendations.

With this, it’s important to understand customer preferences and ensure recommendations are appropriate for various stages of the journey. Following these recommendations can make a big difference in presenting optimal recommendations. All of this means more revenue from increased sales.

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11min read

What’s the Best E-commerce Product Recommendation Strategy?

When shopping online, you’ll likely encounter suggestions for alternative or complementary items. This is meant to inspire customers to continue shopping and is part of an e-commerce product recommendation strategy. With this, shop owners can potentially increase revenue through bigger shopping carts.

Product recommendations can follow customers throughout their journey in an online shop. This usually includes the homepage, category and product detail pages, and shopping cart. It also extends to e-mail marketing.

In this article, we will show you where product recommendations make sense for e-commerce along with special features to consider. This is relevant for displaying recommendations at the right moments in an online shopping environment.

Ensuring relevant product recommendations for your e-commerce

In e-commerce, product recommendations are displayed through recommendation “reco” engines. As you might imagine, these deliver relevant recommendations tailored to the visitor. While customers are typically suggested products, recommendation engines can also be used for related content.

Recommendations are presented using widgets which provide the framework for relevant product or content suggestions. These can be customized to match the design and branding of your e-commerce platform.

Differentiate between new and existing customers

With the above information, you might be wondering how to effectively use an e-commerce product recommendation widget. You’ll first need to make a distinction between new and existing customers. This is important because you’ll need to tailor your recommendation engine to different audiences, based on shopping behavior.

In this context, it’s useful to know whether a customer has already visited your online shop, clicked through various categories, and completed a purchase. All of this is considered an online shopping history and only applies to existing customers.

Existing customers: online shoppers with history

If your customers have a history with your store, you can use data based on their previous habits or purchases to display suitable recommendations. You’ll want to analyze click and purchase behavior to personalize relevant product suggestions. In doing so, you’ll likely inspire more sales.

New customers: online shoppers without purchase history

While you can’t offer recommendations based on the personal interests of customers new to your shop, you still can make suggestions to inspire their purchase journey. These include using recommendation algorithms like top sellers, sale items, or new products.

Where to position product recommendations on your website?

There are many ways to position product recommendations in an online shop. You can add them to the homepage, product detail page(s), and directly in the shopping cart. It’s important to strategically place these at every step throughout a customer’s journey.

To help you keep track of the various options, we have provided an overview of suitable positions for online shop recommendations:

  1. Homepage
  2. Category page(s)
  3. Product detail
  4. Zero results page
  5. Shopping cart
  6. Wishlist
  7. Thank you / confirmation page
  8. Content page
  9. Personal shopping area
  10. Newsletter

It should be noted that recommendations should be displayed in accordance with the best user experience for each page. To illustrate this better, we will discuss a few pages in detail below. Below we’ll show you what to look for on each page regarding optimal recommendation placement.

1. A dynamic homepage

As mentioned above, you’ll need to build different shopping environments for existing and new customers. If executed properly, this will change the look and feel of your homepage. Just like in a brick-and-mortar store where a salesperson knows the behaviors of regular customers, you can show users their preferences are understood.

For example, an online shop for pet products should know who is purchasing for cats vs dogs. If a cat owner is recommended dog food, they will find the shopping experience counterintuitive. The right products should be presented the moment a customer lands on your homepage, and can be as detailed or broad as needed.

However, as previously explained, if a new customer lands on your homepage, past purchasing data won’t be available. In this scenario, it’s advised to showcase top sellers, sale items, or new products.

2. Category pages

On product category pages, you can use personalized recommendations by analyzing online shoppers’ browsing and purchasing behavior. This approach will allow you to highlight products that are relevant to their habits and align with their interests.

Pro tip: Read more about product category marketing in our new guide!

3. Product detail page recommendations

The product detail page contains more specific information than a homepage. Since a customer is looking at one item, this allows for highly relevant product suggestions. With a product detail page, two types of recommendations make the most sense. These are similar and complementary items.

  • Similar products

An online shopper navigates to the product detail page because they find a particular item interesting. If they like the selected item, but are still unsure, similar products can help them make a decision. This is where the customer can become aware of products that may better meet expectations. It helps them feel informed about their purchase, leading to a sale.

  • Cross-selling complementary items

Complementary items are relevant for the product detail page. If the customer is convinced they need the selected product, it’s worth showing them matching items. With this, you can draw their attention to other products that may interest the customer. It might inspire them to continue shopping.

When doing this, you’ll want to take the customer’s preferences into account. These include sizing, brands, preferred materials, and dietary needs. The latter is particularly valuable if a customer doesn’t purchase items containing allergens or is vegetarian/vegan. Of course, with new customers, this isn’t possible.

It is also important to account for inventory. You don’t want to recommend products that aren’t in stock, as that creates a frustrating experience. The goal is to enable your customers to make additional purchases.

  • Create complete looks with product sets

On the product detail page, showcasing a complete product set is popular. These are recommendations that present customers with an entire look based on one product. The idea is that they can easily add complementary items with minimal effort.

For example, customers can create a stylish outfit, or purchase necessary camping gear in an instant. If you’re selling cameras and photographic equipment, you can offer a set with matching lenses, memory cards, batteries, and a carrying bag. With this, you can allow customers to save or purchase these items at once.

4. Showing alternatives on a zero results page

Sometimes users will search for items that you don’t offer in your shop. This will usually display a page showing “zero results.” To prevent customers from clicking off your site, you have the option of using a product recommendation widget on your page. You don’t want visitors to feel discouraged.

Recommendations on the zero results page can be alternatives from your product range. For example, if a user is searching for a particular brand that you don’t offer, you can recommend similar brands or styles. This will inspire your customers to explore these items and potentially discover new products.

5. Recommendations on the shopping cart page

Even though a user is confirming their shopping cart, it’s not too late to recommend other items. You can still increase sales at this stage of the process.

  • Add to cart recommendations

As customers click “add to cart,” you can provide quick personalized recommendations with a cart layer widget. This will pop up and show other products of interest.

  • Recommendations on the shopping cart page

The shopping cart page itself can display product recommendations. With this, it’s recommended that you don’t show similar products here as that can confuse the customer. Personalized complementary items make the most sense at this stage.

Additional products that complete the original product or relevant low-cost items are suggested for maximum sales potential. You can set up a checkout zone in your shopping cart that encourages customers to purchase small, cheap items. Think of how a supermarket places snacks near a checkout line.

When recommending items, you have different options for what information to collect from the shopping cart. You can either take the entire order into consideration or you can suggest items based on the last product added. The right approach will depend on your particular shop and strategy.

6. Wishlist

What better place to recommend more products than in your shoppers’ wishlist? This page is already a place where buyers keep up with their future purchasing desires. Product recommendations on this page can encourage a higher order value in the future.

7. Thank you page: more than just an order confirmation

A thank you page is a great place for product recommendations. It doesn’t have to just contain information about the order, it can also encourage future purchases. With relevant recommendations, you can lead customers back to a product detail page. This keeps them engaged in your shop for a longer time.

8. Content page: Recommendations based on topics

By now, it’s clear to see how relevance is key when discussing product recommendations for your e-commerce. With certain campaigns, you may want to execute this manually with marketing and thematic landing pages. Combining content and topic-related recommendations, you can use digital storytelling to emotionally engage online shoppers.

The goal is to create a digital story on a topic and tie it to relevant products. For example, you can do this with inspiration for skiing or surfing vacations. The combination of content and products is a popular approach to e-commerce product recommendation strategy. It moves away from the purely functional aspect of sales, creating a much more personalized experience.

Below you can see what a content page in an online shop looks like. In this example, the topic is a surf trip. In addition to information and a story about the perfect vacation, the page offers thematically appropriate product recommendations for inspiration.

9. Personalized shopping: relevant recommendations and more

If you want to offer users the best experience, you can create a personalized shopping area in your online shop. This is a section that is dynamically, intelligently, and fully customized for each customer. It offers a central location in the shop of the customer’s favorite brands, categories, and items.

This personalized area allows users to browse their own product and brand world. Online shoppers can also receive relevant content suggestions, such as blog articles, and receive shopping news in real-time.

Relevant product recommendations also play a role here. For example, recommendations can be integrated in the form of product sets. Additionally, users can easily access desired information via clickable, interactive elements.

With personalized shopping, the site learns sizing and preferences to display available and on sale items. There is also the potential for embedding interactive content for a unique e-commerce environment.

As you can see, a personalized shopping area offers a particularly high level of inspiration and goes beyond product recommendation widgets.

The image shows an example of a personalized shopping area in Outletcity Metzingen's online store as a one-to-one marketing measure.

10. Newsletter: recommendations in real time

To keep your customers fully engaged, you’ll want to provide recommendations through email newsletters. Like everything else discussed, it’s important these are personalized to the customer. You’ll want to account for consumer preferences.

Since emails are read at various times, you want to make sure the recommendations are relevant to when the newsletter is opened. This ensures that all information (including inventory) is up to date. There are also various ways of showcasing recommendations.

  • Complementary items

With order confirmation emails you can suggest complementary items. This is a similar strategy to what was discussed on the thank you page.

  • Alternative products

If you want to remind inactive customers of products abandoned in their shopping cart, you can suggest both similar and alternative items.

  • Topic-related recommendations

Newsletters can focus on a specific topic and showcase thematically related items. With this, you can send topic-specific emails to ensure customers receive highly relevant recommendations.

Why recommendation visibility matters

Proper positioning is essential for product recommendations to perform optimally. As an example, it is important to not add suggestions “below the fold.” You don’t want customers to have to search for recommended items. There’s data to suggest that only 20% of content “below the fold” is seen by viewers.

This means that even if the right products are recommended, 80% of consumers would miss them if improperly placed. As you can see, this creates a drop-off in potential sales. It also means, since there was no engagement, less data is collected to inform better recommendations in the future. This insight is crucial for optimization.

If your recommendation engine is well set up, but recommendations aren’t seen then you’re missing valuable sales potential. Due to this, recommendation positioning on all pages of your website is important. This is particularly true for product descriptions where there’s a high chance of interaction.

Optimal e-commerce product recommendation placement for maximum potential

As you can see in this article, an effective e-commerce product recommendation strategy is a win-win. Your users become inspired while shopping and discover new products. As a shop owner, you can increase engagement and sales.

To fully benefit from the potential of a recommendation engine in your online shop, you should place product suggestions on the various stages mentioned. With the right data, you can anticipate the needs of your customers.

Also, make sure online shoppers actually see your recommendations and remain informed after they leave your site. It’s important to send personalized emails that contain real-time data.

This article shows the potential and power of useful product recommendations. Now it’s your turn to implement the best strategy on your site.